• 00Days Until Election

Willie Orr

Rules Committee Chair

We are pleased to announce that Willie Orr has agreed to continue in his appointment as the chair of the DPBC Rules Committee. He was appointed about a year ago and under his leadership, the committee has produced two integral new policies that will ensure the DPBC runs more smoothly and ethically. Those policies include a Code of Conduct, and a revision on electing alternates to be appointed to the SCC when a vacancy arises. The Rules Committee also ran a successful credentialing committee meeting following the Spring 2023 Ward and Precinct elections.

We will continue to look for ways to make the DPBC more efficient and effective through updated rules. Willie is a retired Geriatrician, lifelong Democrat and is now living in Albuquerque for a second time in the last 15 years. Willie enjoys and looks forward to working with the excellent members of the Rules Committee and welcomes any ideas or thoughts on possible revisions to the rules.