• 00Days Until Election

Project 2025 Makes Stopping Donald Trump Critical

As the 2024 election cycle heats up, one document has emerged as a critical touchstone for understanding the stakes of this election: Project 2025. (632 words, 3 minutes read time)
by Jordan Jones

As the 2024 election cycle heats up, one document has emerged as a critical touchstone for understanding the stakes of this election: Project 2025. This blueprint—authored by a coalition of conservative think tanks and political operatives, under the leadership of the Heritage Foundation—lays out an ambitious agenda that could fundamentally reshape American democracy and governance. For those of us committed to democratic values and progressive policies, the re-election of Donald Trump, who has fully endorsed Project 2025, represents a clear and present danger. As Democrats, we can do several things to avoid Project 2025 ever coming to pass:

  • Learn: We can inform ourselves and others about Project 2025.
  • Get Out the Vote: We need to get out the vote to support Democrats and oppose Project 2025.
  • Vote a Straight Ticket: When we vote Democratic down the ballot it promotes our values and combats Project 2025 at all levels of government.

But what is Project 2025? It is a comprehensive plan for sweeping changes to the federal government. Its authors propose consolidating executive power, rolling back regulations, and dismantling key departments and social programs. Project 2025 includes wholesale assaults on environmental regulations, LGBTQ+ civil rights (including assaults on gay marriage), diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), education, and many of the aspects of a free society. These proposals are not minor adjustments; they are a radical restructuring of the American political and social landscape.

One of the most alarming aspects of Project 2025 is its plan to drastically reduce the size and scope of the federal government. This includes eliminating entire agencies, reducing the federal workforce, and transferring many federal responsibilities to the states. While proponents argue this will lead to greater efficiency and local control, the reality is that it will strip essential protections and services from millions of Americans, exacerbate social inequality and environmental degradation. Programs that provide healthcare, environmental protections, and workers’ rights are all at risk. For instance, Project 2025 would gut the regulatory power of the Environmental Protection Agency, leaving our air and water more vulnerable to pollution and putting our health and environment at risk. These responsibilities cannot be ignored or turned over to the states because air and water do not understand state boundaries. These are national issues that require federal attention.

In fact, recent SCOTUS rulings, like the Chevron Deference Doctrine ruling, which we highlighted in last week’s Blue Review, combined with the ruling in Trump v. United States on presidential immunity, these plans are already beginning to take shape.

If Donald Trump is elected in November, the risk that this blueprint may become a reality is greatly increased. We must act decisively to protect our democracy, uphold our values, and build a future that works for everyone.

Over the next several weeks, we will highlight the dangers of Project 2025 and share with you how recent SCOTUS rulings have begun to pave the way for this project to take hold. The right-wing fringe and corporate elite in America are betting on Trump being reelected. They are not betting on Democrats banding together to save our country. Let’s upset their expectations!

Additional Reading
  • “The meticulous, ruthless preparations for a second Trump term.” The Economist. (archived version.) July 15, 2023.
  • Biden for President. “Project 2024: Trump Allies’ 920 Page Plan to Give Trump More Power Over Your Daily Life, Gut Democratic Checks and Balances, and Consolidate Power in the Oval Office.”
  • The Heritage Foundation. Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.” : Washington, DC: PBS, as published on DocumentCloud. (Note: To protect your privacy, use this link, instead of simply searching for Project 2025.)
  • “A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors.” PBS NewsHour.
  • Stop the Coup 2025. “Project 2025: Summary and Chapter Breakdown.”

Project 2025 and Education

Project 2025 advocates eliminating the Department of Education and implementing loyalty oaths in universities. (533 words, 3 minutes read time)

Kamala Sign at the DNC

Project 2025 and Women’s Health

We don’t have to settle for an administration that is proud of rolling back Roe v. Wade, and wants to go further. (364 words, 2 minutes read time)
