• 00Days Until Election

Why Focus on Down-Ballot Races?

When Democrats on the bottom of the ticket win, Democrats at the top of the ticket win! Help us win down the ballot! (484 words, 3 minutes read time)

Many folks have wondered why we are not out canvassing every weekend or phone banking each week for VP Kamala Harris. Don’t be mistaken, Democrats in New Mexico are fired up for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!

But, when Democrats on the bottom of the ticket win, Democrats at the top of the ticket win!

Think of the roots of a tree. When the roots are nourished and grow deep, the trunk grows a strong, thick, healthy bark and a solid trunk that’s able to withstand storms and the fierce New Mexico winds. When supported from underneath, the tree begins pushing out branches and leaves that turn the energy of the sun into nourishment of a different kind, resulting in the production of seeds, fruit, and shade for all that lives under its umbrella.

You and I are the roots of this Democratic ecosystem. Our values, passion, and dedication here at the local level feeds the top of the ticket. So, if we get Bernalillo County Democrats and New Mexico Democrats elected, we will get Kamala Harris and Tim Walz elected.

This day, October 1, 2024 marks just over one month that we have to get our local Dems elected.

The toughest and tightest races that need your attention are:

Congressman Gabe Vasquez — Congressional District 2

  • Canvassing happens twice a day on Saturdays and Sundays, and phone banking happens twice a week. If you do nothing else for NM Democrats, sign up to support Gabe!

NM House — these are some of the closest races in Bernalillo County, and likely where the GOP will be pushing a lot of funding to the Republican candidates.

  • Vicky Estrada-Bustillo — House District 31
  • Representative Charlotte Little — House District 68
  • Representative Joy Garratt — House District 29
  • Representative Cynthia Borrego — House District 17

NM Senate

  • Senator Martin Hickey — Senate District 20
  • Senator Harold Pope Jr. — Senate District 23
  • (Rep.) Natalie Figueroa — Senate District 18
  • Cindy Nava —  Senate District 9

But, don’t forget, we have candidates for District Attorney, County Clerk, County Treasurer, and our Judiciary that need your attention, too! It takes many, many branches of government to make this state and country work.

If you have a favorite candidate, please get out to canvass or phone bank for them, or give them money!

2024 is not a year where any of us can participate in the bystander effect. “Oh, it’s ok, someone else will do it,” is much too risky!

Recall that in 2022, Congressman Gabe Vasquez won his race by just over 1,300 votes. Even more closely, Representative Charlotte Little won hers by just 36 votes.

So, dig deep this year, like the driven, dedicated root system that you are, get into your neighborhoods and fight for our values, our rights, and for each other.

Because, “When we fight, we win!”

With gratitude,
Marisol Enriquez, Chair DPBC

See the Events Calendar for the MANY opportunities to canvass or phone bank this month.
